Sunday, December 5, 2010

Jack's First Tooth

Sadly Jack will be losing his toothless smile. His first tooth has started to come in. He does not seem to be in too much discomfort from the tooth. Jack Jack has also slept through the night for almost the entire week. His naps are also getting more regular with an hour nap in the morning an a 1.5-2.5 hour nap in the afternoon.
Caitlin has had fun in the snow; making snow people and sledding. Grandma is visiting, and making everyone happy although we do miss Albie. We had a good time with the Beans. Caitlin had fun eating with Rowan and the kids table. Caitlin also had a great time painting pottery.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Hot and Cold

Caitlin is learning how to cook. Well, at least she likes to dress up like a cook. Here is a snow video.

Caitlin likes big slides

We recently went to a fund raiser for an allergy support group. The fund raiser was at a place called Jump and Party. Caitlin had great time on the big inflatable obstacle courses. She needed some help the first few times, but learned how to get through on her own. She also makes fast friends and gets help from the other kids.

Jack is eating solids

We have started Jack on solids. He likes sweet potatoes, peaches, and pears quite a bit. The carrots, squash and peas have not gone over as well. He is able to move items from one hand to another and is sitting on his own. He also has a wonderful smile and contagious giggle.

Soccer Tots

Caitlin had her last day of Soccer Tots. She had a great time as did we. Soccer Tots has been a lot of fun for us. Caitlin did get tired from time to time, but Coach Mario kept everyone happy. The activities were very well suited for the kids: kick the ball, kick the balloon, tag with a noodle, chase the hoops, and parachute activities.

Let it snow

Happy Thanksgiving.

We are having a nice snowy start to winter. Caitlin loves to play in the snow. She is helping us shovel every morning. Although she plays a little more than shovels.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Uncle NoNo

We will miss you Uncle NoNo.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


We had a great time this year for Halloween. We went to Nick and Jamie's. Caitlin enjoyed trick or treating around the neighborhood. Jack was a monkey and Caitlin was a Giraffe.

Jack is now sleeping through the night occasionally. He is also waking up early between 5:20-6:20. Last night he went to sleep at 5:20pm and slept until 6:00am. He was tired from a late Halloween night and a day of poor naps. Normally he naps three times a day. If he is rested he goes down with less than five minutes of fussing. He is eating 8 ounces five times a day. We started him on rice and he is beginning to eat. He can almost sit up by himself, but still falls to the side pretty quickly. He does not like tummy time, and does not roll over yet. He does like to play in his exersaucer. He also likes to laugh.

Speaking of poor naps, Caitlin is having a hard time falling asleep. We made her give up her pacifiers. While she is playing everything is fine, but when it comes to trying to fall asleep she desperately misses her Binky. She is speaking in complete sentences, and learning about prefixes. She has asked me to unmove and unopen things. She was also able to count to 11 although she normally skips 4.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Fall is here

Fall is in the air and Halloween is just around the corner. Caitlin is enjoying the cold rainy weather. She is also looking forward to being a giraffe for Halloween. Jack is doing well. He has found his feet and is beginning to try and put them in his mouth. He is also finding his voice. Everyday he seems to have a new noise. He now likes to squeak and razz. He is also in wearing 9-12 month clothing.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Grandma and Albie, Allergies, Pumpkins and Jack

Sorry for falling behind in the blog. We are trying to get back on schedule after our wonderful visit from Grandma and Albie. Caitlin enjoyed the many hours of play time with Grandma and Albie: Story time at the library, Soccer Tots, Mobius, building towers downstairs, apple picking and celebrating birthdays. It is taking a little while for her to get used to not having quite so much attention.

Caitlin was recently diagnosed with allergies to cats, soy and peanuts. We cleaned out our pantry and are slowly restocking. It is taking a bit of getting used to. Many restaurants do not have ingredient lists, making going out more difficult than before. However, we have found a lot of products without soy or peanuts.

Jack is doing well. Sorry for the post over stating his weight. He is currently at 21 pounds. He rolled over once. He is also beginning solids. So far he seems to like eating the rice cereal.

We went pumpkin picking this past weekend. We had a good time. Fortunately we got there before noon as there we saw people waiting in traffic for miles on out return home.