Monday, May 30, 2011

Back to Work

Well I am back at work. Time seems to fly by.
Jack can pull himself up to a standing position. He seems ready to start cruising pretty soon. He can repeat some simple words but does not seem to understand that he is talking. He has a grunt that resembles up, but for the most part he uses grunts and cries to tell us what he wants.
Caitlin is being two. She is learning to use the potty, but doesn't always make it. She is enjoying throwing the occasional fit and saying "I can't stop crying." followed by something sweet like "Can you please read another book?" But most of the time is she very helpful and is learning to be gentle with Jack. She even finds it fun to make him laugh.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Jack's Birthday

Jack turned one year old on Wednesday May 11th. Thank you to all those who called and/or sent presents. Jack is enjoying playing with his new toys. Caitlin is also enjoying playing with his new toys. He had his favorite meal of pizza a for dinner. He also had his first taste of chocolate cake.

More pictures

As part of Kim's Mother's Day present we had pictures of the kids taken. Here are some of the pictures.