Thursday, September 5, 2013


With the start of the new academic year, we had pictures of the kids taken.  In my opinion, they are two very cute kids, even when dressed in their Halloween costumes as Yankees fans.  Now that is scarey.  Kim will edit this soon.


It has been hot here.  We seem to going in the pool everyday.  With the hot weather and the warm pool, Jack is more open to getting wet.  He likes his little swimming backpack and is racing Caitlin across the pool.  He also like jumping in.

First Day of School

We are all back at school.  The kids are doing well, although we are all trying to get used to the new routine, especially waking up early.  Caitlin appears to really like school as you can see in the video. Jack is a bit more timid, but has fun when he is there.

Sleep Over

Caitlin had a wonderful sleepover with Erin.  The two girls and Jack played all day together.  It is very nice to see the three of them have so much fun.  Before bed they quietly talked, read books, and giggled.