Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas is coming and the Baby Goose is getting fat

Christmas is on its way. Caitlin is doing well, weighing in at approximately 11 and a half pounds. We bought her first Christmas tree. It looks like the best tree ever. However, everything looks like it is the best ever these days. We were able to get the Christmas lights up just before the snow came and the temperatures dropped into the teens. The snow is beautiful and will hopefully stick around through Christmas.

Caitlin visited Gonzaga this past week. She enjoyed all the attention as she seems to be a social butterfly. She certainly has a lot of Kim in her. If Caitlin is not trying to be part of the activities, she is probably staring at the ceiling fan. She really loves to stare at the fan. I guess if I stared at the ceiling all day, I might like the fan also.

In the video you might notice Caitlin's super strength as she tears the handle from the sun. She does enjoy her daily workouts, although not so much with the tummy time.

1 comment:

Grandma and Grandpa Tosini said...

Hi Caitlin,
You are getting quite a workout in your little gym. Mom and dad have started your path to exercise forever! Good for them. We love your beautiful smile and you look fantastic in your very first Christmas dress. Mom and dad sure have great taste, but you do too, since you picked such terrific parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, too. What a lucky baby you are.
We love you very much,
Grandma and Grandpa